Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Everyone has at least one in their lifetime. Some would call it a crossroads!  An intersection in the road where you must make a decision that alters your future forever. Some would call it an option. I would call it a "second chance".
It’s usually a place and time where you have literally hit bottom! It can be a very unsettling time in one’s life when you have two roads that intersect and you stand at the center wrestling to choose the right path. You know that this decision will change everything!

The year was 1987. Esther and I had been down a road that ushered us away from our first calling.  We both had attended Bible College and we both had definite plans to follow our “God calling” into fulltime ministry.  Our first calling was to work for the Lord.

Just after we left Nova Scotia and after a less than desirable journey that I won’t indulge into just now, we found ourselves back in New Brunswick.  Having been in Pastoral ministry from 1980 until 1985 we had entered the secular field and at the same time we were raising two little girls. Esther had become the Manager of a couple of jobs during that time and I began to pursue my printing skills working for Norman Wade Company and then a short time later secured a very good position in Display Advertising at The Citizen Newspaper in Saint John.  

In 1985 that company went into receivership leaving me without work. Since I was already heavily involved in the advertising division in the Saint John region, I decided to start my own local advertising paper under the name Town and Country News.  We were amazed at how quickly the paper “took off”! Many of the advertising clientele followed me to my little paper. I implemented many things I had learned at The Citizen. We grew from an 8 page spread to a 32 page spread overnight. I was forced to hire some people to help carry the heavy load. I found myself so engrossed in the operation and success of this local advertising paper that I saw myself rapidly getting further and further from my "first calling". Sad to say, because of the business demands, my spiritual level declined. It was during that time that I was befriended by several wonderful people. One such person was Pastor Lindsey Burt. On occasion, he and I would meet at the YMCA to play racquetball.  We had some great times together. I recall the day that I was to meet Pastor Lindsey and an emergency arose for him that prevented him from coming.

As I was waiting on the racquetball court, while warming up, I paused for a moment and sat down on the floor in the corner and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with a sadness and sorrow that I cannot explain.  It was like a heavy weight was pushing down on me that was too much for me to bear! All I know is that I began to weep uncontrollably! I remember laying face down on the court sobbing as God began to talk to me. 

He asked me what I was doing. He asked me if I was happy. He asked me if I had forgotten my first calling.  To all of these questions and several others, I trembled inside because I knew the answers all too well. And all the answers were negative. I knew that I had been heading away from that first call and to say I was unhappy with myself would be an understatement.  It was at that point I felt like I was trapped with no way out. I had two little girls and a wife at home to support. 

Just before I drifted off to sleep, I remember pleading with the Lord to give me a second chance. I recall that I fell into a very deep sleep there on the floor. I’m not sure how long I was there but when I awoke the lights were all off and I lay there in total darkness, alone. I recall there was a dreadful heaviness on my heart. Immediately I was impressed to call two people.  So I did. 

I went directly to the payphone and called a long time friend, Pastor Alston Oliver who was pastoring Old Town, Maine at the time.  He was surprised at my phone call. As I spoke with him I found myself asking him if I could come to Old Town to his church to speak.  He immediately said he was planning to have a week of meetings and wasn’t sure who to ask and he said this must be what the Lord wants and took my phone call as a confirmation that I should be the speaker. All of a sudden I began to feel that heaviness lift. I was delighted! After I got off the phone with him, I called the second person, my dad. Before I could explain anything that I had been dealing with over the past few hours, he said, he had just got a call from Pastor Ronnie Libby in Charleston, Maine inviting him to his Ministers Conference. Dad had told him that he would not be able to attend, but perhaps his son, Steve could go.  Bro. Libby told my dad to have Steve call him. I never did get to tell dad what I had been feeling or even my new plans to preach in Old Town. Instead I concluded my call and called Bro. Libby that evening.  I didn’t know Brother Libby, but when I spoke with him he made me feel so accepted and important. Again, I felt more heaviness lift as I spoke with him. He insisted that I should make plans to come to his conference and that he would look after all my expenses. I thought, “What an incredibly nice man!” What I didn’t know at that moment was that my life was about to change, drastically!

I went home and shared with my wife everything was happening. She was excited!

It wasn’t too long afterward that I was getting on the bus in Saint John on a dark, stormy, night. I remember looking out the side window at my little family with tears in my eyes, not knowing for sure if I was doing the right thing. I went to Old Town. The services were amazing!  Once again I felt the anointing of God’s spirit as I spoke each night. We even witnessed some miracles during those meetings that I will share with you a little later. I remember the services were so powerful that Brother Oliver asked if I would continue for a second week. I agreed! Not only were those meetings a confirmation to me that I was once again on the right path, but then in April I went to the Charleston Ministers Conference. There, I connected with ministers from all over who became such a great blessing in my life. Many of them are still very dear friends to this day who love and support our ministry.

I sold the newspaper which is still operating today under a new name.
I realize now that I had come to a crossroads in my life. I am grateful to the men of God who were encouragers for me to pursue God’s calling on my life. Since that time I have never looked back and God has been so good! 

If you are standing somewhere at a crossroads today, I encourage you to listen carefully to the words of God.  He will nudge you toward the right direction! He will give you a second chance and even a third and fourth if necessary!

I’m so glad we serve a God of second chances!!

Matthew 12:20 A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto VICTORY.

When writing the story of YOUR LIFE, 
don’t let anyone else hold the pen.

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