Thursday, January 3, 2013

On....My Son Jason

Me and my son!
Well, my oldest son's birthday is today! He turns 37! Some may not know him as our son, however, my educated understanding is that when you spend time raising a child you cannot deny that they are your own. Besides if you look closely you can see that he looks a lot like some of my other relatives! I guess the reason we mostly raised him is because my mom was incapacitated trying to raise my two sisters, Jody and Rene. They were a mighty handful in those days!(and still are) Those who remember will recall mom's name in the weekly church bulletin: "Please pray for Jude". I guess the girls were just the cross she had to bear.

The following are some reasons that I know Jason is our son.

1. Only parents rush their own children to hospitals.
I recall the day Esther and I rushed Jason to the Oromocto hospital after a successful rendezvous with a neighbor kid playing David and Goliath with real stones. Once we got him there, I
 had to assist the doctor while he stitched Jason's head....well....kinda somewhat like that....I actually stood outside the ER trying to keep from passing out from the sight of all the blood and the super sonic screaming! Esther actually assisted. My mom would have taken him to the ER but was probably incapacitated again with those girls.  

2. Only parents instil the fear of God in their own children.
On this occasion Jason was with us in our car heading toward our home when Esther and I began this foolish bantering about "who could flip who". I declared that I could flip her over the snow bank with one hand behind my back! When I said that, something tripped a switch in Esther's brain and she said in a very deep voice that gave me shivers...."STOP THE CAR!" So I did!....right on the hiway! We both jumped out!...Jason was in the back seat with his eyes wide as serving platters! I came around the back of the car and I whispered to Esther, "Flip me over the snow bank so Jason can see!" Before I got the full sentence out of my mouth I was flyin' head down, legs up, backside down over a ravine somewhere between Fredericton and the Mactaquac Dam! When I finally got back up to the road, Esther was laughing her silly head off saying somethin' like,"There!! Now who can flip who?!" (at the same time doing some kinda Gangnam dancy thingy) After we laughed for awhile, we went over to the car. Jason had locked all the doors and was crying his head off in the back seat...scared to death!! Poor little guy thought Esther had killed his father, I guess! Anyway after much coaxing we finally talked Jason into unlocking the car doors so we could continue on our way. Here's the sad part of the story....Esther and Jason still think, to this day, that she tumbled me over the snow bank on her own. They don't realize that I LET HER!! 

There are other stories that I could elude to about my son Jason but I think you get the photo.... HAPPY 37th BIRTHDAY SON!

OH....and please keep mom's name in the church bulletin for prayer, 'cauze now she's tryin' to raise Jody and Rene's kids.

(DISCLAIMER:  I cannot be held responsible for some of the satirical writing of this particular may or may not be 100% accurate)