Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Good Samaritan Community Soup Kitchen in Brownsburg

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. 

This morning I sit here very thankful for opportunities to serve people. Last Sunday we announced that we, as a church, will begin The "Good Samaritan Community Soup Kitchen" at our church each Saturday at noon. The Bible says, "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" In much of our region, we have people who live in poverty conditions. We have a responsibility to do our part in helping these people.

When we serve others we are actually serving God. Much of the evangelical church today is preaching a message of living in luxury and if were not careful we will overlook the people Jesus instructed us to reach. I feel strongly that God is more interested in seeing His people give and serve and wait upon others. This is the true heart of God. 

Here's a thought; Luke  16 tells the story of Lazarus. It reads, "There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. I've often thought about this in relation to the Church and it's responsibility. Consider for a moment that the rich man's table represents the Church, Lazarus represents the poor and the "dogs" represent all those community service organizations that are doing what we, the Church, are supposed to be doing. Thank God for the community food banks, soup kitchens, etc. that reach out to the poor, but that is really OUR job as the Church. It's not the "dogs" duty to nurture and look after the poor! Don't misunderstand. Thank God they do! But it's really the first obligation of the Church of Jesus Christ! Jesus instructed us to feed the poor, help the widows and be Good Samaritans!

So let's do it!!

God has given us a beautiful facility right in the heart of Brownsburg and we feel it needs to be used to show our region that "We Care". Be thankful today for the part you can play in helping others.

Saturday, December 13th, will be the launch date for the "The Good Samaritan Community Soup Kitchen". If you would like to contribute in any way to this worthy project or you would like to volunteer, give us a call:  1-450-533-9161

Let's be THANKFUL as we serve together!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Another word fitly spoken.....

The Pill
(One of my fondest memories of Bro. Lloyd Williams)

It all began one day round about the year nineteen hundred and eighty-eight.  Three wonderful brothers, Lloyd Williams and Grovener Bradford and I had been golfing at the Nackawic Golf Club not too far from our home in Springfield, New Brunswick. After our round of golf I invited them to our house for a visit. I remember calling Esther to give her a heads up that they were coming. She said she would have supper ready for us. What a girl!

Just before we got into our cars Lloyd asked if Esther knew Grovener. I said, “No I don’t think so.” He said said, “Let’s play a little bit!” This was the real Lloyd Williams doing his finest work. For you who knew this incredible man, you know how much he loved to pull pranks and make people laugh.

He suggested we introduce Grovener as “not all there”……kinda looney, if you know what I mean! We were certain it wouldn’t be too hard for Grovener to act that part! HAAA!!!

When we arrived at the house I went in first, at the instructions of Lloyd, to warn Esther about this “loony guy” that was with Lloyd that he was taking care of from a Fredericton institution.

I explained that he wasn’t all there and that we needed to be careful of a few things. First, that we don’t laugh at him or make fun of him as he is very sensitive and his feelings get hurt really easy and secondly that he has ”sticky fingers” and we need to make sure he does not try to steal anything.

Esther’s countenance changed into this serious young lady wondering what we were in for. She was a bit concerned that I would even suggest that she may make fun of this man. She assured me quite sternly that she would not make fun of him or do anything to hurt his feelings. HA!

When the two came into the house, Lloyd was holding Grovener by the arm and instructing him to just be calm. “You’re okay Buddy!.....Come in this way.” Lloyd introduced Grovener to Esther, “This is Esther, Grovener.” Grovener twisted and squirmed and contorted his face at her reaching to shake her hand. I was having all I could do to keep my composure.

Grovener began opening the cupboard doors snooping and touching Esthers dishes, opening the refrigerator, the washer and dryer, etc.

He proceeded into my office and Esther said, “He probably shouldn’t go in there.” We could tell she was getting quite concerned!

Finally Lloyd led him into the living room and helped him get seated on the sofa as he twisted and squirmed.

After a little while Grovener told Lloyd he needed to go to the bathroom. He showed him the way. He was in there quite a while. When he came out of the bathroom he had about six of Esther’s towels stuffed down into his pants and into his pockets. He had rolls of toilet paper in his hands along with some other toiletries.

Now he really cranked it up and was getting almost uncontrollable making strange noises from his mouth. Lloyd had to man-handle him, telling him he couldn’t have the towels and to take them out of his pockets and his pants. I glanced at Esther and her eyes were wide as could be looking at this maniac.

Then Lloyd asked Grovener, “Have you taken your medication today? Get your pill Grovener! It’s time for you to take your medication!!”

Just then he pulls a PINK GOLF BALL out of his pocket and proceeds to shove it into his mouth choking and gagging on it. Lloyd exclaimed, “That’s not your pill, Grovener!! Get your little bottle of pills!!”

It was hilarious!! Especially to see the look on Esther’s face.
Then we all took to laughing and telling Esther it was all just a prank. She was actually quite relieved that it was all a joke.

It was a hard PILL for her to swallow. 

Monday, May 12, 2014



S. Roach  Gatineau, Qc.

May 11, 2014    Mothers Day
(The following message is in my "outline" format. You may have to fill in the blanks in order to connect the dots. Let me know if you need any explanation.)

Matthew 2:18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.

Why was Rachel weeping?  Rachel, the mother of Judah and Israel, is weeping for the children of Israel who have been taken captive and abused by the Babylonians and Assyrians.  The looting and burning of the city of Jerusalem. Their city has been destroyed!! And now Rachel is weeping for her children!! Children that are destitute!!!

Around the world today we see so many war torn countries. Presently there are 50 wars that are ongoing in our world. The war in Syria is becoming one of the most prolonged wars of our time!  Tragic - Innocent victims! The victims are not responsible! They are innocent and so often they do not understand!

The Bible says, "A voice was heard in Rama, Rachel weeping for her children and she could not be comforted!"

Even Jesus instructed us where we should direct our concerns.  Luke 23:28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

Today I hear crying, but it’s not just’s the weeping of precious, innocent children!!

1.  WARS   

We all remember the unforgettable picture of Vietnam when Napalm hit in 1972. The photo of the little girl running while aflame. Napalm is a gasoline gel mixture that when dropped is a sticky substance that burns through the skin.

Very tragic scenes!

When this flammable mixture was dropped it's destructive torture was unimaginable!!  And these men were trained and armed and they understood what would happen to the targeted people! Others were victims. Children and innocent men and women. Sucked into the confusion!!

Then when the war subsides innocent people try to pick up from the rubble.  Carrying scars forever!!

And then we hear those political words, "We’re only fighting for the future!"

Meanwhile the children are left with scars of war forever!!

Think about it!!  Beirut was once a very beautiful city but now it's only a bombed out haven for rats and vultures!

Today much of the Middle East is a wasteland of destruction!!!  BECAUSE OF YEARS OF WAR!!

The victims are the children!

When will the world stop hurting our children?


Divorce = The victims are always the children!!
Children with 1,000,000 questions......WHY? Crying throughout the night!!!

Stats say that 80% of divorces are preventable!!

Who will stop the fighting!!  Who is willing to humble themselves!! And we constantly hear those words, "But I have rights!!" YES! And those rights are destroying our children!! 

The victims are the children! 
When will the world stop hurting our children?


Then we have the issue of Child abuse
The increase of child abuse is incredible.  Every 7 minutes a child is abused in North America!!

Why would anyone want to hurt this child?

1. Little Helen....she died while sitting on the potty as her dad beat her on the head with a stick teaching her to use the potty.

2. Little Darren taken to emergency with cigarette burns all over his little body being punished for taking three cookies instead of one.

The victims are the children!   

Most recently in our news - The 200+ school girls abducted in Nigeria!

When will the world stop hurting our children?

The victims are the children!
When will the world stop hurting our children?


The Apostle Paul spoke of a war......a moral war!!
There is a moral battle going on.  Good vs Evil

How valuable is a human life?

From the beginning of time God severely punished murderers!

There were only three provisions for taking life....
1)  Execution of heinous offenders of God's moral law
2)  God permitted the destruction of whole nations that arose to opposition to His will.
3)  God allowed people to defend themselves when attacked.

BUT....God alone has the right to terminate a life that He created.
       Deut. 32:39         1 Sam. 2:6
       Ps. 68:20             Gen. 9:6
Abortion is an aggressive agenda.......and are very militant!

In 20 years 30 million babies have been aborted from the sanctuary of their Mother.

That's 1.5 million/year or 4000/day

Then we hear the political words justifying their agenda, "It's the mothers right to abort a baby!"
THAT’S LIKE SAYING:  Well then it must be right for the Serbs to kill Muslims just because they don't want them in their country!

It must be right for Palestinians to kill Israelis just because they don't want them in their country!


In the US, when The President signed those papers in the Oval Office....
       There was one group that stood to OPPOSE!
       Was it the Church? No!! It was the Vatican! God bless you Catholics for taking a stand against abortion!

The victims are the children!
When will the world stop hurting our children?
This gathering today is about mobilizing ourselves in Prayer for our Children! Can you hear the crying?
This country has taken the Bible away from our kids and told them to go ahead and have sex...just be careful!

Now we have a generation of teenagers overwhelmed with guilt and hopelessness!! 
And just as distressing, now we have children raising children!

I can hear children crying today!!
I can hear them crying out for help!!

But I need to hear the mothers and dads crying for the children.

Can you hear the children crying?

Where are the Rachel's that weep for the children?
So what is the answer?

We perhaps cannot control a lot of what the world does however, there is something we can do.



Someone needs to start weeping for the children.
In Rama there was a sound!
The sound of a mother weeping for her children.
Someone needs to weep for the future of these children.

I looked over at my wife’s side of the bed the other morning and there is her open Bible and the photos of our 6 grand-children laying across the pages.
A Grandmother praying and weeping for her grandchildren!

Here is what we need to do.  Mom and Dad listen closely!

“Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are older they will not depart from it.”
“Children are an heritage of the Lord”  LOVE THEM!

Give your children opportunity to hear God’s Word
Give them a home filled with love and joy
Give them opportunity to worship the Lord.
Teach them how!!  Show them how!!
This is what we can do!!
Our fourth grandchild, Hunter, was born February 2, 2009 to Michelle and Len.  He is the little brother of Titus.

This little man has an amazing support team.  Not all children are surrounded with such godly people.

This didn’t just happen!!  For 5 generations the Gospel has been an integral part of Hunters family.  Hunter represents the 6th generation of following the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hunters great-great-great grandmother Louise Chase was a godly woman.  She was a worshipper!!  She loved the Word of God and lived in the Bible every day! She passed that faith to her daughter Phyllis Bell who passed her faith to her daughter, Judy Roach who passed her faith down to her son Steve Roach who passed his faith to his daughter Michelle Vanderwier who is passing her faith to Hunter.  And that's only on one side of Hunters family.  The same is true on Lens side. What a great support system Hunter Vanderwier has!!!!

What am I saying? I'm stating that many years ago there was a Louise Chase (Rachel) who wept for her children and grandchildren. Praying that they would all be saved from a world of sin!! We need parents and grandparents that will rise up and weep and travail for the future of our children!!  Will you be that one??!!

Deuteronomy 4:9   "Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren,

Deuteronomy 6:6-9   "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
 7 "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
 8 "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
 9 "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Proverbs 22:6   ¶ Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Ephesians 6:4  And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.

Can YOU hear the crying today?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Montreal Chronicle - Spring Issue 2014

Pastor Steve and Esther Roach
821 ch de la Carriere, Brownsburg-Chatham, QC  J8G 1K7

Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings to each of you in the Wonderful Name of Jesus from Brownsburg, QC! 
It is with thankful hearts that we come to you today. God has been so good to us, our family and our ministry! Here is a little update....

Len and Michelle have returned to the beautiful province of Quebec with many stories of victory and the power of God. He protected them so well... especially the day Titus found a black widow spider nest! That was the same day that Hunter almost got hit in the face with a very large boulder that was rolling down a steep hill towards him. As it gained speed with every inch, Len stood helplessly at the top of the hill, and Michelle was too far away at the bottom of the hill to do anything! At the very last second, that boulder veered off to the side! We know God protected him, and we are thankful! They drove all the way to California and back without any car problems, or travelling difficulties. Our God is faithful!!!

Estelle and Mark are excited about what God is doing in their lives, as they grow in Him. They, along with their children, love their Church in Toronto. The little ones are growing so fast! Baby Abel will be 2 years old in just a few days. It doesn’t seem possible that the time has passed so quickly, and they all are growing so rapidly! We are really missing them, because we haven’t seen them since Christmas. We haven’t had a chance to go and see them because we have been working some extra hours.

God graciously gave us the strength to work at Len’s daycare cleaning jobs while they were away. Three times a week, we cleaned 2 very large daycares. We could not start the work until after 6:00 pm, so it made some very late nights for us. We certainly gained respect for the work that he does. It is not easy! Doing these jobs did help us financially through the winter months, and that was definitely a blessing!  

In the middle of February, an elderly couple in our Church lost their home to fire, and we both strongly felt to take them in to our home. We quickly did some renovations in the basement, and moved them in. The kitchen was the area that needed to be worked on. Everything else was pretty well ready. They ate with us for the first few days, and we still try to take them a meal or two each week. The stress of all they went through with losing their home, having to move their belongings into storage, and moving temporarily into our house, showed up after a couple of weeks, and he broke out with shingles. That has been an added trial for him. He has a lot of pain at times, and is extremely uncomfortable with it. Please keep them in your prayers.  They are presently still with us, and looking for a permanent place to live.

Victory Bible Camp: Our next event will be the Purity Retreat at the end of May. This is a tremendously important retreat. These young people do not get this teaching anywhere else in their lives. We have 2 Staff Training days coming up in preparation for our 2 weeks of camp during the first 2 weeks of July. We desperately need God to move in a powerful way. So many lives of children and young people have been changed and transformed by the Holy Ghost, and it only happens because His people are praying! Last year, we had two very large weeks, and it looks like it will be the same this year. Please pray for our staff and speakers as well! God is ready to pour out His Spirit on these people – we are ready to witness it and be part of it as well!

Victory Harvest Church: Francois and Carole (the 2 newest ones) are doing great! My husband has been preaching and teaching on the experience of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and praise the Lord, last Sunday Francois received the Holy Ghost! It was marvelous to witness! The presence and power of God is so very real in every service. Our numbers are small (attendance & offerings) but there is no shortage of the power of God! This couple will be getting married on May 3. We ask you to keep them in your prayers, along with the rest of us. God is good.

Financial Support: We want to thank each one of you for your prayerful financial support. It has been 18 ½ years now that we have lived here, and God has been faithful. We presently do have some needs, and we ask that you join with us in prayer for these needs to be supplied. The winter hydro bills have arrived for our home, the camp, and the Church, along with the oil bill for the Church. With some careful micromanaging, we were able to cut the oil bill this year by $1,300.  We did use an electric heater some, so overall, we saved $1,100. It was an extremely cold winter as you all know, so we feel blessed to have saved this much. Our Church insurance bill of $2,600 has arrived, along with the Municipal tax bill for the camp property. I’m not sure how all of these things come in at the same time, but this is how it is! So please join with us over the next couple of months as we ask God to meet this $7,000+ need. He is able, and He will do it by using people. Ask God if He wants you to be used in this way. His Word says that when we give to those in need, we are lending to The Lord! Thank you for all that you have done! Many blessings to you and your house!!!

If you can come visit us this summer, you are gratefully invited!! ANYTIME!!

In Love with Jesus,
Pastor Steve& Esther Roach

Saturday, April 19, 2014


It was 1996 shortly after moving to Quebec that our ’89 Oldsmobile Cutlass died.  We had already been planning a trip to New Brunswick.  The girls were so excited because on this trip we were going to a place they absolutely loved! Magaguadvic Youth Camp. Both girls had been to that Summer Camp every summer during our pastorate in Springfield and Back Bay. And since we didn’t know of any Christian camp in Quebec we decided we would take them down to New Brunswick.  

We didn’t even have enough money to buy another car and we knew we couldn’t borrow money to buy one!  So, we just waited.  For one solid month we endeavoured without a vehicle.  It was hard!  I did have my motorcycle and once in a while I would take Esther on the back of the bike to the grocery store to buy supplies.  We could only carry a few at a time.  

I remember feeling discouraged about the situation and was wondering what are we going to do.  As we got closer to the day that we were supposed to go to New Brunswick, the girls became more and more anxious wondering how we would be able to go. 

The day came and still no car. But that morning I told Esther, I think I’ll just go up the street and check out one of the local car lots. Knowing that I didn’t have any money for a car, I must confess that my expectation of coming home with a car was low. 

Well, while I was gone Esther entered into her “TURBO FAITH” mode. Now if you don’t know what that is, it’s when you get this overwhelming sense that something is about to happen and it’s gonna be good! You see, since coming to Quebec we have noticed that when you live totally by faith you simply believe that God is your supplier and that HE CANNOT FAIL!  

It wasn’t long after I had left the house that she called the girls into the kitchen and said, Girls, I want you both to go to your rooms and I want you to pack your suitcases and we are going to set them right out here by the front door because, TODAY WE ARE GOING TO CAMP! One of the girls looked at her mom and said, “Are you gonna pack your suitcase too?  Esther responded, “YES!”.  

As I was looking at the cars on the lot a young salesperson came over to me and asked if I needed any help. I said, “As a matter of fact I do.”  I said, “Are you the manager?”  He said, “No, but the manager is right there in the office.”  I said, “I’d like to speak with him.” He said, “Sure!”  

As I walked away from the salesperson I noticed he stayed by my motorcycle as I went into the office.  I introduced myself to the manager and said, “I have a problem.” He said, “And what’s that?” And I said, “I don’t have a car and I need one today.”  He said, “How much money do you have?  I said, “I don’t have any money.”  He said, “You do have a problem.”  

Without any hesitation and without any forethought about this, I heard myself say these words, I don’t have any money today but I do have that motorcycle and I can have money within 30 days.  I no more than got those words out of my mouth when the young salesman walked into the office and said to me, “I want to buy your motorcycle.” I looked at the manager and he looked at his salesman and the manager looked back at me and said, “Which car do you want. We can make a deal! 

The timing was like it had all been rehearsed. It all happened within just a few seconds! We quickly drew up the details and that day I drove off the lot with a beautiful, white 1994 Ford Taurus in perfect condition with only 60,000 kms. I was so excited!  

I remember driving into the driveway and Esther and girls came running outside. I’m sure the girls were thinking, Our dad is such a Hero!” while at the same time I was thinking my Dad “up above” is such a Hero! Living by faith is like walking a tightrope at times but there is one thing I know....MY DAD IS NEVER EARLY AND NEVER LATE, HE’S ALWAYS RIGHT ON TIME! SRR

Thursday, April 17, 2014


I was in my first year of Bible College at Apostolic Bible Institute in St. Paul Minnesota.  It was 1978. 

One afternoon, while working at Budget Rent-A-Car at the Minneapolis Airport, my boss, Mr. Larson, asked if any of us guys wanted to take a fleet of cars to Fargo, North Dakota on Friday. He said it would put another $50. on our pay check if anyone wanted to go. It would mean skipping classes on Friday. 

There were eight of us who volunteered. Three of us were from the Bible School and the rest were just other guys who worked for the company. Now Fargo was about four hours away from Minneapolis.  

So that Friday we all arrived at the Budget terminal at 6 o’clock in the morning. We were all assigned to our individual cars.  It so happened that we were delivering seven brand new Chevy Camaro’s. I was given a bright red one with silver flames on the hood!  WOW!  I remember saying to one of the other guys, I think we’re gonna have a fun day!! He agreed! Ha! 

The eighth car in our fleet was a Chevy Caprice station wagon.  This would be the common car that we would all return to Minneapolis in later that evening. Once we had all the cars fuelled up and ready to go it was about 7 o’clock. And as our eight vehicles hit Interstate 94 it wasn’t long before we were cruising at wonderful speeds of 70, sometimes 80 and once in a while 90 miles per hour. Shhhh! Don’t say anything to my mom! I don’t need any friction today! Ha! Ha!  After all, it was many years ago and there has to be a statute of limitations preventing any recourse from her! 

We arrived safely, thank the Lord, into Fargo at about 11:30. We only stopped long enough to park the Camaro’s and then we all piled into the Caprice station wagon for our trip back to Minneapolis.  

Now this is where the story takes on a whole different atmosphere. Three Bible school students and five unsaved guys in one vehicle!  As I recall, the Caprice had a folding rumble seat in the very back of the car that faced the back window. That’s where one other student and I ended up. The other six guys including the other student sat in the regular passenger seats. We hadn’t gone very far from Fargo when all of a sudden we took an exit. I watched as our car pulled into a liquor store and a couple of the unsaved guys ran in and came out loaded up with several cases of beer. 

The next few hours were perhaps some of the most frightening hours of my life. During that course of time one of the unsaved guys introduced a bag of marijuana. The smoke that filled the car was perhaps the worst smell I had ever smelled in my life. It literally made me feel sick to my stomach!  Please understand, I was raised in a Pastor’s home all my life and was never exposed to that sort of lifestyle. Not even at school! Thank God! 

I remember that we were travelling at a high rate of speed...nothing compared to the trip up to Fargo. The car swerved from time to time across the lanes. I turned around several times to see just how fast we were travelling. Each time I looked, the needle was pointing straight downward at about 6 o’clock with the needle completely buried. That means we were going in excess of 115 to 120 miles per hour and we did this steadily from Fargo all the way to St. Cloud, Minnesota, normally a three hour drive. It gives me shivers as I think about it now! I remember the driver of the car was so high and intoxicated that I was literally terrified!  Frightened beyond words!  I still have trouble riding in the passenger’s seat today!  When we were about four miles outside of St. Cloud, we once again took an exit and the driver drove directly to a liquor store.  It was at this stop that I said to myself and the Lord, “I’ve had enough! God, please get me out of this car!” I remember asking to be let out of the car and said I had to go to the bathroom. I made my way over behind the building as though I was just going to relieve myself.  But once I got out of site of the car I ran like a ‘mad-man’ and found myself in the middle of a trailer park. I remember crawling underneath the porch of a mobile home with my heart pounding so hard I could hardly breathe! I also remember the driver hollering for me and cursing because I was not returning to the car. They wanted to get going and I was holding them up. They then proceeded to drive around and around, up and down every street of the trailer park cursing and hollering my name. This went on for so long until finally they gave up on me and left.  I knew this made them so mad, that if I had shown my face I would have perhaps received the beating of my life! 

I remember laying under that porch for the longest time crying and pleading with the Lord to help me. I was over 2000 miles from my home in Hoyt, New Brunswick and Oh! How I wished I was there! I didn’t know where I was nor did I know exactly how far I was from St. Paul. I recall staying there for a very long time. 

Once I felt it was safe, I crawled out from under the porch and began walking.  I walked for what seemed to be many miles until I came to a sign that said, “Welcome to St. Cloud, Minnesota.” Once inside the city limits I remember searching until I found a phone booth.  I didn’t know anyone in that city, so I began looking through the listing of churches in the yellow pages. I found a Pentecostal church in the listings and took note that that the address was 301 7th street avenue and I was on a double digit avenue.  I do remember that I still had a very long walk ahead of me. Since I didn’t have a dime on me, I wasn’t able to make a call. I recall it got dark as I walked along until late that evening when I came to the street where the church was located. As I walked closer to the church all the lights were on and it appeared that they had been having a service and it had just ended.  I knew I didn’t smell very nice and I was reluctant to go in but I knew I had to. 

As I stepped into the foyer I was greeted by an older man who said to me, “Can I help you?” I said, yes, I need to speak with the Pastor. He said, “Just a moment and I will get him.” In a minute or two the Pastor came to where I was and asked me if he could help me.  I said, “I am from a Bible School in St. Paul and I need to get there tonight, somehow.”  He said, “What’s the name of the Bible School?”  I said, “Apostolic Bible Institute.”  He said, “Stay right there, I’ll be right back.” I had no idea what he was doing.  Within a couple minutes he returned and said there will be a car outside in just a few minutes with someone you’ll want to meet!”  I said, “Okay.” So I stepped out of the church onto the sidewalk and waited.  Within a few minutes a small car, a Monza, pulled up to the curb. I was startled and shocked as I looked at the person in the driver’s seat.  It was the President of my Bible College, Bro. Robert Sabin!!  It turns out that he was there at that very church that very evening speaking at a rally and when he left the church after the service he remembered that he had left his topcoat at the pastor’s home and had to go and get it.  The pastor had intercepted him by telephone and got word to him to come back to the church before leaving for St. Paul.  

Now folks...only God can orchestrate something like that!  The Bible says that, “There hath no temptation (or trial) taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted (or tested) above that ye are able; but will with the temptation (trial) also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” That is not the end of the story!  There is another twist to this story that you can read on my blog entitled, ACROSS THE MILES PART 2! SRR

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Alice Saga by S. Roach February 2014

Tuesday, February 4th

So it was Tuesday night and Esther and I were cleaning the daycare in Montreal. We were filling in at the day cares for our son-in-law who was somewhere in the Bahamas soaking in the hot sun.

I was in the basement at the far end in one of the classrooms dry mopping the floor alone. As I swiff in under a table, all of a sudden there's this kid's voice that comes from under the table that says, "WELCOME BACK, IT's YOUR TURN!"

My blood ran cold! A chill went down my spine! I bent down and looked under the table and there was Alice!! Sorry Alice, but you scared the bejeepers out of me!!

I don't think Alice can talk any more!! Hope they don't ever find her batteries!! Oh, and I was able to find a fresh diaper in the nursery cabinet. It fit kinda tight! The ones I usually wear are bigger!!

Tuesday, February 11th

So last night I go to the daycare to clean and I make my way to the far end of the basement. I enter the last room and I look under the table for Alice. She is not there! I scan the room and then I see her. She is under one of the child's chairs just staring straight ahead.

She didn't even acknowledge that I was there. Not a WORD!! I say, "Hi Alice!" Still nothing! I said, "Are you still mad at me?" Still nothing!

I explained to her that she can't be scaring people in the night when people come into her room. I said, "Sorry, Alice." I think I saw a little tear in her eye.
I turn to leave the room to go get my mop and just as I walked out through the doorway I heard, "Meany!!" A chill went down my spine and I ran as fast as I could down the hall!! I don't know if I can do this until April! Please remember me in prayer!!

Thursday, February 13th

I suppose most everyone has heard by now that things did not go to well at the Day Care last night.

We arrived at 6 to start the cleaning. I was reluctant to go down into the basement due to the goings on that have happened the last couple of times down there. You remember Alice…..

I enter the basement knowing that my boss would not be pleased if I just skipped doing the basement. I avoid the long hallway as long as possible until finally, late in the night I have to make my way toward “that room” at the end of the hall.

I open the door. The room is in total darkness. You have to walk into the room to get to the light switch. I hate that part. As I walk into the room, suddenly the door slams shut behind me! Once again, I soil my droors!! Thankfully I have a proper pair of emergency ones on. I turn to grab the door handle and the door is locked tight! My heart pounds and an intense panic began to set in.

Just then the lights come on by themselves and to my astonishment the room is no longer a Day Care room. It has been totally transformed!! There is a desk by the end wall with one empty chair. There are two more small tables each with two child’s chairs a little closer to me, one to the right and one to the left and the rest of the room is full of children’s chairs neatly placed in rows. All the chairs are full of toys (that have eyes) of every kind and size you can think of. Seated at the two desks on the left and the right are three individuals. The desk to the left has one vacant seat. 

The room is extremely quiet, except for the sound of a dripping faucet.

Sitting in the chair beside the vacant seat was a Cabbage Patch doll with yellow yarn for hair. She turned to me and beckoned, “Mr. Roach, Come and sit!” As I walk to the front of the room to take my seat I look to the right and seated at the other desk was Alice and Miss Piggy. Alice refused to look at me. But Miss Piggy just glared at me!

The seat I had to sit in was very small. My knees were almost touching my chin. And the table was so short my feet barely went under it.

Once I was seated Ms. Patch whispered to me, “Relax, I’m your appointed Attorney. Just be quiet and let me do the talking.” I nodded. Then she said, “What’s that odor?” I just shrugged my shoulders and put my head down.

Just then G. I. JOE stood to his feet at attention and said, “All rise, Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Kermit presiding!” I was the only one who stood.

In came a green frog made of felt and stuffed with who knows what. Judge Kermit took the seat at the front desk. To myself I said,” Aw c’mon…KERMIT? A FROG? Really? This can’t be happening!!”

Just then Judge Kermit asked Miss Piggy what are the charges? She replied, “On the 4th of February Mr. Roach stole Alices heart!!” Ms. Cabbage Patch shouted, “Objection Your Honor, that is just hear-say!” Judge Kermit retorted, “Over-ruled! Continue, Miss Piggy!!” “Well, Your Honor, we have an eye-witness and at this time we would like to bring Esther to the stand.”

Suddenly through the door comes Esther and makes her way to the witness stand. I said to Ms. Patch, “I can’t believe this is happening! My own wife is going to testify against me!?” She leaned over to me and whispered, “You can’t trust anyone these days!”

Miss Piggy began, “So on February 4th what exactly did you see, Esther?” She replied, “I saw Mr. Roach rip the batteries out of the chest of Alice! And throw them in the garbage!” Just then Miss Piggy reached into her pink purse and pulled out two double A EverReady batteries and said, “Your Honor I would like to enter “Alice's Heart” as exhibit “A”!!

As I sat there stunned with my knees now touching my chin, I knew I was convicted! There was nothing I could do but wait it out. I’m sure they could hear my sobbing down the hall. 

One witness that testified was this large doll only half dressed, with one eye, no arms and only one leg. After some more questioning including 10 more witnesses that testified against me, Judge Kermit said, “This session is adjourned until Saturday when I will make my verdict!”

Now folks I’m not sure what will happen this coming Saturday, But one thing I do know and that is that I’m in deep trouble!! If they send me away, would someone please send me some cookies! My Lawyer says depending on the verdict we will appeal!

Saturday, February 15th

The hallway was lined with many little strollers, three Barbie Corvettes, and even a Monster Truck. It was an indication to me that there were many who turned up for my verdict and sentencing. Sure enough as I enter the court room the place was full, wall to wall. I had even heard there were some who came from the Laval Day Care to see the ordeal.

I made my way to my seat beside my Attorney, Ms. C. Patch. She leaned over to me and said, “Everything will be alright.” The shaking in her voice let me know that she didn't have a clue what she was talking about!

At 10 sharp G. I. Joe stood to attention and said, “All rise, Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Kermit presiding!” Once again I was the only who stood.

Judge Kermit began by saying, “After hearing the testimonies on Thursday regarding the case of Alice vs. Roach, I have come to a decision. But before I give the sentencing, Mr. Roach do you have anything to say for yourself?” I stood and said, Your Honor I plead for the mercies of the court that I be given another chance….” Before I could finish my sentence there were loud BOOOOO’s coming from everyone in the court room! Even the doll with one eye, no arms, and only one leg shouted to the top of her voice, “THROW THE BOOK AT HIM KERMIT!!” Judge Kermit slammed his gavel on his desk and in his frog-like voice shouted, “Order in the Court! Order in the Court!”

I slowly sat down realizing that I was about to be hung.

Judge Kermit then began to give the verdict and sentence. “On charges of ripping the heart out of Alice, I find Mr. Roach guilty as charged and hereby sentence him to 12…….” Before Judge Kermit could finish his sentence there was a very loud crash and the window behind the Judge broke into a million pieces. Everyone gasped as through the window came a flying individual dressed in red head to foot with a large red flowing cape and a bright yellow crest on his chest with a Dark Blue “L” in the center. 

It was Super Len!!

He landed right beside me and with his mighty strong arms around my waist he lifted me up out of my chair. Before I could say anything we were flying lightning speed out through the broken window. As we were leaving the room I heard Super Len shout, “Bye, Bye, Alice!! So long, Judge Kermy!! It’s Super Len to the rescue!!”

The next 20 minutes were all a blur! We crossed the Canadian/USA Border and after flying over 9 states and 5000 kms. I found myself sitting under a large pink and yellow parasol in Pasadena, California sipping Iced Tea with my besties, Hunter and Titus!! 

We are all in our swimming trunks and this afternoon we are heading to the Pacific to do some radical surfing!!

I’ll see you all in April!!! (Maybe)

As for the Day Care cleaning, I’m handing the job over to Shirley McLean Leiper. Don’t forget to empty the large white garbage container that’s under the “babies changing table” in the basement bathroom! Be careful it’s very heavy and…’s toxic!!! And watch out for Alice! She’s nothin' but a whiney trouble-maker!!


PS: Some may think that I have embellished a little in this story.......Think what ya will! I'm in Pasadena sittin' in the SUN in my purple Speedos!! HAAAAA!!!!