Friday, August 3, 2012


VBC 2001
In 2001 Esther and I purchased the campground with its 12 acres of property plus a small piece on the lake giving us access to the lake.  All that was here at the time was the A frame chalet that was built in 1962. There were two outhouse toilets off in the woods and only a hand pump for a 50’ well in front of the chalet.

At the time when we bought the place, the Town of Brownsburg began to insist that we bring the place up to code which included drilling a proper water well and installing a commercial septic system. We drilled the well (360’) and then proceeded with the septic system. The Town required professional plans drawn up by an Engineer. The first set of plans were unbelievable! It was a commercial system that would have cost us in excess of $50,000. Holiday Inn style! And the weeping bed would have covered most of the open area on the grounds. We were shocked! I pleaded with the engineer to size the system down to something affordable.  Even then, with the plans, ground prep and installation, it still cost us $30,000. This system operates with a pumping station containing two pumps controlled by a computerized relay unit. The money to pay for this system required a great deal of sacrifice! We are thankful for those who believe in this project and helped contribute to the cause. We had paid for the majority of the system, $25,000., with our own personal savings and outside contributions.

This story centers around one of those contributions.

We were down to the last $5,000. that needed to be paid. The contractor that installed the system was wanting his money. He was very patient! We had been earnestly praying, asking God what to do.

During this time we met a Pastor from Quebec who was attending the same conference we were attending. One morning this Pastor, while in conversation with my wife, asked Esther how we were doing. My wife began to explain the situation with our septic system at the campground. The Pastor said, “You should know that we were just getting ready to send you an offering that we have of $5,000.!” She explained that it is money that is going to be released very soon and it has been designated for your campground. My wife was ecstatic!

And then the Pastor explained where the money was coming from.

The Pastor told her about a lady in their church who had been saving money. She was setting money aside specifically for her future wedding day. Not long ago she came to this Pastor and said that God definitely spoke to her and specifically said that she was to give $5,000. to the Roaches and their campground. It was the money that she had been saving for her wedding! Strangely, just a short time after she made that commitment, she was driving her car and hit a patch of black ice and lost control of her vehicle and was involved in a head-on collision. She died in that car accident!

I’m sure you can understand why this campground is so close to our hearts today! We feel incredibly honored that this precious lady had given that money to Victory Bible Camp!! We honor her for investing in the lives of people who benefit spiritually from VBC!

We do not understand how God works at times but we have to trust His divine providence and take comfort in the scripture that says, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

So, don’t despair when it seems like you have prayed and prayed about something, and the answer is not surfacing. I can tell you with calm assurance that the answer IS on its way. God is faithful, and He is working behind the scenes on our behalf. He is for us – not against us. Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the purposes which I am purposing for you, says the LORD; purposes of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (MKJV)

To the family of this dear lady, we say thank-you and may the God of all comfort be your portion today!  Jesus said, “Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven:” Luke 6:23 Most certainly this lady is receiving her reward for being so faithful!!   SRR

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