Monday, July 8, 2013

Ten Reasons I Believe in Youth Camp

Written by Buddy Thompson
Virginia District Youth President

I recently read an article by Tommy Burchfield entitled “Why I Believe in Summer Camps” and it caused me to think back on my many years of camp experiences, not only as a camper, but what have observed in almost 20 years of working as a staff member of our youth camps.  As the school year finally draws to an end, the anticipation of summer vacation by the students cannot be overstated. Summertime fun - with no teachers and homework! Summer offers a large chunk of time to teenagers and children.  But along with the "lazy days" of summer comes a great opportunity to reach out to the real needs facing our Pentecostal youth.  This "opportunity" is what I call “youth camp.”  Youth camp is a prime time to reach teens for God and to solidify the youth in your church.  When I was a boy, camp was not optional – you went to youth camp. J

#1 - Youth Camp Is Evangelistic

I received the holy ghost at camp.  Many of you did, too.  Perhaps the greatest reason of all is the evangelistic impact it can have on the unsaved kids connected to your church. Christian Camping International (CCII) released an interesting statistic not long ago stating that out of all the evangelical pastors in america, 52% met Jesus at a summer camp.  How many of our Pentecostal pastors can say the same thing?  From generation to generation, summer youth camps have provided a way for kids to find a fresh (and often a first) anointing of the Holy Ghost. 

#2 Youth Camp Provides Growth
Youth camp is a training place where teens are "taught" to have fun the right way. Campers "see" that you don't have to be “cool” in order to develop a relationship. Campers "see" and "hear" a camp staff that displays Christ like character in serving without complaining. Campers "see" that those of the opposite sex are persons to respect as brothers or sisters in the Lord. Camp is a place where probably more is "taught" and "preached" through lifestyles than through the sermons.

#3 Youth Camp Provides Relationships
Some of the most long-lasting friendships are made at youth camp. They can start as soon as a camper arrives -- in those first few exchanges when trying to find a space in the dorms! Sharing the experience of youth camp together provides a springboard into a lifetime of fond memories with others. Email addresses, phone numbers, addresses are exchanged…with other Apostolic youth! Those are the kinds of relationships I want our church youth group to have. My friendships from camp are among the strongest that I have.

#4 Youth Camp Provides Encouragement
Do you have any idea how uplifting it is to a teenager to be with other teens who are also trying to live for God?  Campers from small churches get much needed fellowship.  Campers that are struggling find strength among the committed majority.  Campers that face complex issues at home find support among peers that care. After a school year that often includes rejection and ridicule for living by God’s principles, camp can be a tremendous dose of encouragement! 

#5 Youth Camp Ministers to the Entire Person
At camp, the spirit of the camper is nourished and fed with the anointed preaching of the Word of God. The camper's soul -- the mind and emotions -- is ministered to through the teaching of the Word and through small group meetings. The camper's body is ministered to through well-balanced, nutritious camp food (ok, ok – 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!). The group sports activities (basketball, softball, flag football, etc.) As well as individual activities (swimming, camp olympics, etc.) Make up for what lacks in the camp food. J 

(what would a youth camp article be without a shot at the camp food?)

#6 Youth Camp Is Fun
We laugh ourselves silly, play till we are wore completely out, swim in an awesome pool, and even have fun when we think we are bored.  What more can I say?

#7 Youth Camp Gives Momentum
omentum is what carries a church youth group through to victory. It places the drive and focus back into a weary youth ministry. The momentum I am describing cannot come by the arm of the flesh. It can only come by the Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6). The Holy Ghost ignites the flame with a simple spark and before you know it, the entire group is on fire for God. Time after time at the camp altar I have seen God put fire back in a lifeless youth group!

#8 Youth Camp Provides Tradition
Camp provides a "spiritual landmark" that every camper feels when they drive up the main road. They see the buildings where they were forever changed the last time they were at the altar. Exodus 20:24 states that if we build an altar, God will meet us there. Something very spiritual happens at a place where you have encountered God. That place becomes forever locked in the archives of your mind. I can still remember the “traditions” of my early camp years.

#9 Youth Camp Provides Bonding
There is nothing quite like the experience of having gone through a youth camp together with not only a friend, but also the church youth group. The bonding and acceptance that takes place tightens relationships within the group as well as the entire group itself. As the group gets closer, individual relationships grow and the love of God is permitted to flow freely. At camp, individuals learn not only to accept each other for who they are, but to truly love and care for each other.

#10 Youth Camp Provides Spiritual Commitments
Since mom and dad (and pastor) seldom accompany campers to camp, that leaves spiritual commitments and accountability up to each camper's own convictions. So, with each camp comes the challenge for each individual to grow with God on their own -- not on the coattails of mom, dad, or the youth pastor. Do all kids successfully meet this challenge?  Unfortunately not, but the overwhelming majority do.  Why keep your youth group from the opportunity just because of a few bad apples in the bunch?  You will be amazed at the growth you will see in most of your group, if not all of them.  Give them a chance to make some commitments that will last.

The long-lasting fruit of youth camp is a proven wonder, year after year. I have seen hundreds of kids grow into strong, committed Christians sold out to God. Will your youth be among that group this year?  The kids in our church will!  Load up…we are going to youth camp!

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