For Peter it was an all-out commitment when Jesus said to him, “Leave your fishing nets behind and COME, FOLLOW ME!”. Never before had he met a man like Jesus. Without hesitation Peter wrapped his entire life around this Man. He said, “Wherever You lead me, I will follow!” All of Peter’s dreams, ambitions and HOPE rested in Jesus Christ! Peter witnessed the power, authority, and His miraculous ministry; blinded eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, lame walking, and the dead being raised to life.
It was after three years of following Jesus that everything took a turn in the Garden of Gethsemane. Not a good turn. As Peter witnesses Judas coming into the garden with Roman Centurions for the betrayal, Peter responds by drawing his sword and slicing off the ear of Malchus! Peter’s abrupt response was as if he was saying, “Take your hands off my HOPE! Leave my HOPE alone! This HOPE belongs to me!” Jesus said to Peter, “We don’t do things that way! Put your sword away, Peter!” as He miraculously reattaches the Centurions ear.
Peter watches as they lead Jesus away from the garden. His HOPE is now a prisoner. Everything he had lived for during these past three years is now being destroyed! His HOPE is vanishing! His HOPE is so devastated that in his confusion he denies even knowing Jesus…..three times!
We now see Peter as he lingers in the shadows witnessing the scourging, the cruel beatings, and ultimately the crucifixion……..the TOTAL DEATH of His HOPE!
But it was just three days later that Peter’s HOPE came alive! Just as He said! The stone was rolled away, as the Rock of Ages stepped forth!
All of a sudden Peter’s joy is restored!
His fear is taken away!
He is no longer a coward!
But greater than all of this, his HOPE has come ALIVE……AGAIN!
The word “AGAIN” carries a wonderful truth that we find in the first book that Peter wrote. He said, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us “AGAIN” unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
If anyone understood the word “AGAIN”, it was Peter! He had HOPE, then his HOPE died on the Cross! But the greater truth is that his HOPE came ALIVE……”AGAIN”......through the Resurrection!
My prayer for you today is that HOPE will come alive in your heart!
God said of Jezabel, “I gave her time to REPENT but she had NO DESIRE!”
Do you have DESIRE today? That’s really all you need to experience this NEW HOPE through Jesus Christ! And especially if you feel you have lost your HOPE, I pray that you have enough DESIRE to seek for this NEW HOPE.......AGAIN! Remember, HOPE is not dead.....HE IS ALIVE!!
** Excerpt from an Easter message I originally preached in 1993 while Pastoring Back Bay, New Brunswick. SRR
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