I remember when I was just a young boy I always loved little things. Little cars, little marbles, little boxes, etc.
I also loved burying things in the ground. Then digging them up and acting as though I had found “buried treasure”. I would be so excited!
At one place where we lived there was a bowling alley next door that had a small parking lot. I remember taking a tiny tin box and filling it with a few little things. Inside the box, I put a blue matchbox car, a green plastic soldier, a cats eye marble plus a nickel and some pennies. I then went over to the parking lot next door, found a place at the back of the lot about one foot east of a white corner post. Right there I dug a hole. I placed the little box down in the hole and buried it. I remember taking a piece of paper and drawing a map with an X where I had buried the treasure. Nobody knew where that buried treasure was, except ME!
As time went on, I forgot all about the little box next door and after a while we moved away to another town. The little treasure box never crossed my mind again.
Until one day we were visiting some relatives in that same town and I remember taking a little walk to where we had lived before. It was then that I remembered. I said to myself, “I must go dig up that buried treasure!”
As I ran toward the parking lot, to my dismay, the parking lot had been paved!
I believe that God has buried treasure deep inside everyone’s heart. Treasures that have yet to be discovered. You were divinely created with God's plan and purpose and there are talents, gifting’s and special qualities that you have yet to discover! Ask God to help you discover His full plan and purpose for your life! Read God’s Word daily! The Word of God is like a map that can direct you to the exact place in your heart where the buried treasures are hidden. But you must search for it and dig for it, until you discover God’s complete design and plan for your life! Let the Word shine a light on your heart! Don't let too much time pass you by before you search for the buried treasure. The soil of your heart may become too hard. You will be amazed at the treasures that are hidden in the darkness that are just waiting to be revealed!
Here is what Isaiah says in chapter 45:2-3. I will go before you, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut down the bars of iron: And I will give to you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, which call you by your name, am the God of Israel.
And just as an added thought…..If you need a car and some money, or perhaps even a military husband, I can show you where you can find them! SRR
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