A continuation from yesterday’s blog. If you have the time, take
a moment and read that one first.
1987 was the “turn around” year for my wife and I. We both had been working secular jobs and
found ourselves at a crossroads, and "Thank God", we chose the right path. That path has led us to where we are today and
now we wouldn’t trade our life for anything!
During the Special Meetings at Pastor Oliver’s church in Old
Town, Maine I renewed my consecration to the Lord and to follow the “first
calling” that God had placed on my life in 1977. In some ways I think the two
week revival in Old Town was more for me than anyone else. There were so many things that happened in
those meetings, but one event stands out in my memory. It was about mid-week in the first week and
during the night service that a lady came to the front for prayer. She explained that
she had suffered much pain in her arm and shoulder and the doctors felt it
necessary to operate and to remove part of a bone that was causing so much
pain. They had warned her that she perhaps would lose the use of that arm. She
went on to say that after the operation, she had indeed lost total use of the arm. We could see that
it hung loosely to her side with seemingly no life.
The anointing of God’s Spirit was very strong that night and
the faith level was very high. We prayed for her as she raised her good arm to
the Lord! The following night she came to church and once again I called her to
the front and Pastor Oliver and I prayed for her healing. Still no change. Each night we prayed for her and then on the
last night I was sitting on the platform as the service began. As I was looking
over the crowd, I noticed this same lady. She was wearing the most beautiful
smile and it caught my attention. Then I saw it! She had BOTH of her arms
straight up in the air praising God. I waited for my opportunity and I asked
her to come to the front. I said, “Something has happened to you since last
night!” She said, “Yes there has!” She proceeded to tell us that when she went
home the night before, she was in her kitchen and all of a sudden there was a “SNAP”
in her shoulder. And ever since then she had full use of her arm! The church
erupted into praise and worship. That was the night that Pastor Oliver asked if
I would like to continue meetings for a second week.
It was during the second week that I wondered what I would
do after this. Pastor Oliver suggested to me that I should book more meetings
and continue this renewed path. So that week, with his help, we began to call
Pastors. Before I knew it, I had special meetings booked all the way through
until the end of May! I was thrilled.
Esther came over during the second week and joined me with her accordion
and special singing. It was marvellous!! God surely was doing a “NEW” thing!
Well, upon arriving home to Westfield, New Brunswick, I made
plans to sell the Town and Country News to one of my advertisers who had said
if I ever decided to sell the business to give her first option. She bought it
and it was like a heavy burden had lifted! I continued to fulfill the special
meetings that I had booked. We found ourselves in a rural country church in
Four Fall, New Brunswick in the month of May. Strangely enough, it was the last
set of meetings that we had booked and it seemed that we couldn’t get any more places
to minister. I started to feel a little anxious and one morning I began to
share my story with Pastor Perley Hatheway. He said, “Well, it could be that
the Lord has another plan.” I wondered what it could be.
The Hatheways invited me to go to Fredericton with them the
next morning. On the way, Pastor Hatheway happened to mention a place called
Springfield which is located just north of Fredericton near the Mactaquac Dam.
I had never heard of the place. Sister Hatheway said, “They don’t have a Pastor
right now in the little Springfield Pentecostal Church.” Then she continued to
say, “I think Hubert Perkins is looking after the work as an interim Pastor
until they can find one.” As she talked, something jumped in my spirit!
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Springfield Pentecostal Church |
Well, to make a long story short, we made connections with
Pastor George Clark and Brother Hubert Perkins who were looking after the work in Springfield.
Those men became, and still are, two of my most cherished friends! I will share
more about my connections with Brother Clark a little later. What a great Man
of God!!
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Springfield, New Brunswick |
When I think back on how God planned everything and strategically
placed us where he wanted us, we cannot help but rejoice in the Lord for His
Amazing Grace!!
We serve a God of second chances!! SRR
When writing the story of YOUR LIFE,
don’t let anyone else hold the pen.
don’t let anyone else hold the pen.
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