Dear Friends and Family;
As we look
over the vast field of Quebec, our hearts are still stirred at the profound
need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is spread out in front of us! It has
now been 20 years since we began this marvelous journey in this Mission Field.
Our first 6 months were spent in Sister Larsen’s little apartment in Ville St
Laurent. It was late that night, Oct 27, 1995 when we put our suitcases down, and
crawled into bed for a few hours of much needed sleep! Early the next morning
we got on the metro to head downtown Montreal to the Unity Rally!! It was a
very exciting, and yet terrifying season for us! On Oct 30, we sat glued to
that little black and white television, watching and praying as the voting
results of the QC Referendum came in. This was a significant opening to these
next 20 years!! So many times we have felt that intense “waiting period”
pressure that has driven us to our knees!! God has always been faithful!
We could
never have made it through this rugged spiritual terrain without you, our
faithful prayer partners. Thank you all so much for caring enough to take the
time to pray and support us in the many ways you have. We’d like to take this
opportunity to give you a brief update on our current activities in this
Victory Bible Camp
We were
blessed this year to have a very good enrollment of campers in our two weeks of
Children’s and Teen Camp. It seems that the spiritual temperature is
continually rising for these camps, and we are so blessed to see what God is
doing in the lives of the workers along with the campers. For the Children’s
camp, our ministry team took turns speaking in the night services. The
counselors were exceptionally high-spirited, and motivational each day as they
worked with the children. For Teen Camp, we were extremely blessed to have
Pastor Terry Kennedy here as our night speaker. He and his wife were such a great blessing to our camp!

We thank God also for the new “physical” changes to Victory Bible Camp. Due to your passion for souls, we were able to put in 3 new windows, all new siding on the chalet, along with a beautiful new patio door where there used to be only a window! It is brighter inside, with better air flow, and looks really nice outside! We also have new kitchen taps! We are so thankful!
Victory Harvest Church
We thank God
for the faithful ones in our Church. The Soup Kitchen has been operating for 10
months now, and they are doing great. It is a wonderful opportunity to serve
the needs of our community. We have seen some new ones come in through the Soup
Kitchen, and have baptized some of them. We see a great hunger for the things
of God in this Town of Brownsburg. This area of our ministry (the Church) is in
great need of workers. We are asking God daily to send us laborers.
For the
first couple of years here, our Church was all in English. Now, we have
switched to a bilingual service like we had in Laval. We are thankful for David
and Sylvia Lyons who come often to help us with music and translating. However,
we need help with Sunday School Teachers, and overall discipleship of the new
ones. There is great potential for many other areas of ministry in Brownsburg
as well. This is an urgent prayer request!!!
Our Growing Family
Our little family
of 4 that moved in QC 20 years ago is now made up of 6 adults, and 6 children!
These children range in age from 3 – 10 and are like little lights in our
lives. It’s hard to believe that 5 of these little ones are in school! My, how
the times goes! It was so neat to have all of them at Camp this year. Estelle
was able to be more involved with the activities at camp this year because Abel
has grown so much since last summer and readily got involved with the
activities. Parents were thrilled with the craft she sent home with their
children’s photo on it! Michelle is very involved with camp as well. She does a
large part of the administration, music, puppet training, and many of the activities.
We are so blessed to have such a multi-talented and passionate family around
us. Please keep each of us in your prayers as we see transitioning in progress
with jobs and ministries. God is good!
We are
presently working 5 evenings a week at a cleaning job in Montreal. We are 68 kms from our job. It only takes us 3 – 4 hours each night to do the work, but
it does take up our evenings. That makes it impossible to have a mid-week
service at our Church right now. We are believing that it is just for a season
that we will need to work every evening. Since the Church income is very small,
we are not able to receive any income from that. Esther has had some problems with her back this summer. We are waiting for the MRI results, but the physiotherapist believes it is a herniated disc. Please keep her in your prayers. Our God is able!
This job is really a help to
us financially, but does not meet all of the needs. We are willing to work jobs like this, but
would much rather be putting our time and energy into the work of God. Again,
we ask that you pray about this with us. Along with Jesus, we
say (Luke 10:2) “Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but
the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would
send forth laborers into his harvest.”
We encourage you to continue investing in this ministry. The track-record over the past 20 years has proven that God's hand is upon it! We are thankful for all that you have done, but we really need you today!
Thank You for your time today!
Steve and Esther