S. Roach Gatineau, Qc.
May 11, 2014 Mothers Day
(The following message is in my "outline" format. You may have to fill in the blanks in order to connect the dots. Let me know if you need any explanation.)
Matthew 2:18 In Rama was there a
voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for
her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.
Why was Rachel weeping? Rachel, the mother of Judah and Israel, is
weeping for the children of Israel who have been taken captive and abused by
the Babylonians and Assyrians. The looting and burning of the city of Jerusalem. Their city has been destroyed!! And now Rachel is weeping for her children!! Children that are destitute!!!
Around the world today we see so many war torn
countries. Presently there are 50 wars that are ongoing in our world. The war in Syria is becoming one of the most prolonged wars of our time! Tragic - Innocent victims! The victims are not responsible! They are innocent and so often they do not understand!
The Bible says, "A voice was heard in Rama, Rachel weeping for her children and she could not be comforted!"
Even Jesus instructed us where we should direct our concerns. Luke 23:28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for
me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.
Today I hear crying, but it’s not just’s the weeping of precious, innocent children!!
We all remember the unforgettable picture of Vietnam when Napalm
hit in 1972. The photo of the little girl running while aflame. Napalm is a gasoline gel mixture
that when dropped is a sticky substance that burns through the skin.
Very tragic scenes!
When this flammable mixture was dropped it's destructive torture was unimaginable!! And these men were trained and armed
and they understood what would happen to the targeted people! Others were victims. Children and innocent men and
women. Sucked into the confusion!!
Then when the war subsides innocent people try to pick up from
the rubble. Carrying scars forever!!
And then we hear those political words, "We’re only fighting for
the future!"
Meanwhile the children are
left with scars of war forever!!
Think about it!! Beirut was once a very beautiful city but now it's only a bombed out haven for rats and vultures!
Today much of the Middle East is a wasteland of
destruction!!! BECAUSE OF YEARS OF WAR!!
The victims are the children!
When will the world stop hurting our children?
Divorce = The victims are always the
Children with 1,000,000 questions......WHY? Crying throughout the night!!!
Stats say that 80% of divorces
are preventable!!
Who will stop the
fighting!! Who is willing to humble themselves!! And we constantly hear those words, "But I have rights!!" YES! And those rights are destroying our children!!
The victims are the children!
When will the world stop hurting our children?
Then we have the issue of Child
The increase of child abuse is
incredible. Every 7 minutes a child is
abused in North America!!
Why would anyone want to hurt
this child?
1. Little Helen....she died while
sitting on the potty as her dad beat her on the head with a stick teaching her
to use the potty.
2. Little Darren taken to emergency
with cigarette burns all over his little body being punished for taking three
cookies instead of one.
The victims are the children!
Most recently in our news - The 200+ school girls abducted
in Nigeria!
When will the world stop hurting
our children?
The victims are the children!
When will the world stop hurting our children?
The Apostle Paul spoke of a war......a moral war!!
There is a moral battle going on. Good vs Evil
How valuable is a human life?
From the beginning of time God severely
punished murderers!
There were only three provisions
for taking life....
1) Execution of heinous offenders of God's moral
2) God permitted the destruction of whole
nations that arose to opposition to His will.
3) God allowed people to defend themselves when
BUT....God alone has the right
to terminate a life that He created.
32:39 1
Sam. 2:6
68:20 Gen. 9:6
Abortion is an aggressive
agenda.......and are very militant!
In 20 years 30 million babies
have been aborted from the sanctuary of their Mother.
That's 1.5 million/year or 4000/day
Then we hear the political words justifying their agenda, "It's the mothers right to abort a baby!"
THAT’S LIKE SAYING: Well then it must be right for the Serbs to
kill Muslims just because they don't want them in their country!
It must be right for Palestinians to kill Israelis just because they don't
want them in their country!
In the US, when The President signed
those papers in the Oval Office....
was one group that stood to OPPOSE!
it the Church? No!! It was the Vatican! God bless you
Catholics for taking a stand against abortion!
The victims are the children!
When will the world stop hurting our children?
This gathering today is about mobilizing ourselves in
Prayer for our Children! Can you hear the crying?
This country has taken the Bible
away from our kids and told them to go ahead and have sex...just be careful!
Now we have a generation of
teenagers overwhelmed with guilt and hopelessness!!
And just as distressing, now we have children raising
I can hear children crying
I can hear them crying out for help!!
But I need to hear the mothers
and dads crying for the children.
Can you hear the children
Where are the Rachel's that weep
for the children?
So what is the answer?
We perhaps cannot control a lot
of what the world does however, there is something we can do.
Someone needs to start weeping
for the children.
In Rama there was a sound!
The sound of a mother weeping
for her children.
Someone needs to weep for the
future of these children.
I looked over at my wife’s side
of the bed the other morning and there is her open Bible and the photos of our 6 grand-children laying across the pages.
A Grandmother praying and weeping for her grandchildren!
Here is what we need to do. Mom
and Dad listen closely!
“Train up a child in the way
they should go and when they are older they will not depart from it.”
“Children are an heritage of the
Give your children opportunity
to hear God’s Word
Give them a home filled with love and joy
Give them opportunity to worship the Lord.
Teach them how!! Show them how!!
This is what we can do!!
Our fourth grandchild, Hunter, was born February 2, 2009
to Michelle and Len. He is the little
brother of Titus.
This little man has an amazing
support team. Not all children are
surrounded with such godly people.
This didn’t just happen!! For 5 generations the Gospel has been an
integral part of Hunters family. Hunter
represents the 6th generation of following the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hunters great-great-great
grandmother Louise Chase was a godly woman.
She was a worshipper!! She loved
the Word of God and lived in the Bible every day! She passed that faith to her
daughter Phyllis Bell who passed her faith to her daughter, Judy Roach who passed her faith
down to her son Steve Roach who passed his faith to his daughter Michelle Vanderwier who is
passing her faith to Hunter. And that's
only on one side of Hunters family. The same
is true on Lens side. What a great support system Hunter Vanderwier has!!!!
What am I saying? I'm stating that many years ago there was a Louise Chase (Rachel) who wept for her children and grandchildren. Praying that they would all be saved from a world of sin!! We need parents and grandparents that will rise up and weep and travail for the future of our children!! Will you be that one??!!
Deuteronomy 4:9 "Only take heed to yourself, and
diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and
lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to
your children and your grandchildren,
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 "And these words which I command you
today shall be in your heart.
7 "You shall teach them diligently to
your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk
by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8 "You shall bind them as a sign on your
hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 "You shall write them on the doorposts
of your house and on your gates.
Proverbs 22:6 ¶
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart
from it.
Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children
to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.
Can YOU hear the crying today?